Retina icons eot file download

An icon webfont you can easely embed anywhere on your website and web vectors, so they are scalable and correctly render on retina screens or mobile displays. icon font available on Fontello. Download via Fontello. icon-cloud. icon-at.

CSS Techniques for Retina Displays As many people use their highly portable devices for work and play, device manufacturers seek to enhance their user experience, making their devices

Now you can already use the icons in your theme. There are different options on how to use the icons. First your can include the HTML code directly in your template files.

We added custom icons and “Open Sans” as a modern font to achieve a pleasant look and feel. Creating a fully responsive template which scales well on different devices was our main goal when developing the template. Besides other advantages, this technique provides an easy way to have your icons look crisp on retina displays. We’ll use a custom set of social icons generated with IcoMoon App and we will add a fancy effect on hover. For support please checkout The first one, is of course to disable the header social icons. If you want them to not display at all in the header, just check the box as shown below. Well with the introduction of the Retina/Hidpi displays your icons using sprites or single images might not look so awesome. Every font is free to download and preview for your projects Lokalizace (počeštění), opravy a konverze fontů. Některé starší fonty mohou obsahovat nejrůznější chyby, které způsobují problémy v novějších verzích operačních systémů nebo… Retina Icon provides 3000 high quality vector icons covering 36 categories for creating a website or creating an app. Free icon download.

126 Free 16px Icons, in various formats (SVG, PNG, JPG, TTF). - prmack/16pxls