Prevent iframed pdf from downloading acutomatilly

Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Use some PDF viewer to avoid it downloadable. Google Viewer for instance. Example:� Apart from what F-ES Sitecore has said, your users can always take screenshots of the file if you lock other options like mouse right-click or� Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Use some PDF viewer to avoid it downloadable. Google Viewer for instance. Example:� Apart from what F-ES Sitecore has said, your users can always take screenshots of the file if you lock other options like mouse right-click or� Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Use some PDF viewer to avoid it downloadable. Google Viewer for instance. Example:� Apart from what F-ES Sitecore has said, your users can always take screenshots of the file if you lock other options like mouse right-click or� Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Use some PDF viewer to avoid it downloadable. Google Viewer for instance. Example:�

Use some PDF viewer to avoid it downloadable. Google Viewer for instance. Example:� Apart from what F-ES Sitecore has said, your users can always take screenshots of the file if you lock other options like mouse right-click or� Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

Learn how to embed PDF documents in HTML using the a and iframes tags, and

How to disable downloading of the PDF document

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